70%. 70% to goal and I haven’t missed a day. It feels better today than it did in the messy middle. Somehow, 70% seems like I’ve turned the 2/3- most of the way – you’ve got this corner.
In this moment, I’m feeling confident about reaching 1,000 daily blog posts. For those of you playing along, I check in every 50 posts to take a macro look and record what I’m learning through this process. I took @SethGodin’s challenge from this blog post and am still grateful I did it. Thanks @sethgodin and thank YOU for reading.
2021 has been messy, and also validating. The challenges present are real in the world, yet we’re thriving in new ways of work with our fabulous team. As I contemplate the learning right now, here’s what’s present for me:
- I’ve dialed in when, where and how to write. A big WIN for me.
- I’m grateful I’ve documented my ponderings during this period in history. I’m not always present to history in the making, but 2020 and 2021 have certainly been worth noting.
- Thinking about my thinking challenges me to be a more present observer.
- I have confidence in my discipline (based on doing this work) that I wouldn’t otherwise.
- I’m realizing the value in space, rest and thinking which I’d de-prioritized most of my work life.
- Some of our best initiatives have resulted indirectly from this practice.
- I don’t mind writing. Once I lowered the bar, it became easier.
- I need to continue to find areas to challenge myself – especially those I’d naturally avoid – like I used to with writing.
- I’m grateful to all the people who’ve called, emailed, texted and supported me with kind words, appreciation and encouragement. YOU have kept me going.
- This challenge will result in a book or two – who knew?
Categories: Sue's Daily Blog