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111 To Your Health #569

Published on April 22, 2021 Written by

A friend posted this last week and it was one of the best reframes I’ve seen for those of us on the journey to consistently and incrementally get better every day. I took some liberties and edited for language I believed to be more forwarding, but the message remains intact.  It made so much sense, I had to share. … View Article

111 Let The Candles Speak #568

Published on April 21, 2021 Written by

This struck a chord for me as I think of our world (and specifically Minneapolis) right now. It’s not about any one thing, it’s about so many things.  For many of us, we are grieving. In a collective, heavy and solitary way.  As I read this poem by Patricia McKernon Runkle, it offered direction for me. I’m certain someone needs to hear this as well: … View Article

111 Productivity Is Overrated #567

Published on April 20, 2021 Written by

Changing behavior is challenging.   When your habits have lead you to success in various forms as a direct result of those habits, they’re doubly hard to break.  When I think of being productive, it’s in my nature to use as many minutes of my waking hours as possible to create results.  This leads me to… View Article

111 Will You Be The Space? #566

Published on April 19, 2021 Written by

Finding peace these days isn’t easy for me.  As a privileged person, I’m tired. Those friends around me are tired.  And yet, when I look at a still, calm lake reflecting the images of the sky and it’s surroundings, I am at once still and at peace.   How can I bring that experience to others? To clear enough space in myself… View Article

111 Shifting Pain to Love #565

Published on April 16, 2021 Written by

As I was experiencing some grief recently, I reread this beautiful story and thought it worthy of sharing. May it also lead you to a softer place in your own life.  “At 40, Franz Kafka (1883-1924), who never married and had no children, walked through the park in Berlin when he met a girl who was crying because she had… View Article

111 There I Go Thinking Again #564

Published on April 15, 2021 Written by

Thinking I know better has gotten me in trouble.  As we forge ahead in 2021, I find myself hearing consistent messages I’ve either resisted or thought I had a better answer for.   The good news: the messages get louder and are offered with a frequency I can’t ignore. I refer to them as a 2 x 4… View Article

111 It’s Always Worth It #563

Published on April 14, 2021 Written by

Shortcuts don’t work.  If you’re looking for the easy way, the hack to the system, the cheaper, faster and less laborious way to a qualitatively superior result, stop now.  Anything excellent, ANYthing, requires effort, tenacity, discipline, persistence and patience.   I know that’s about as sexy as oatmeal, but it’s true.   Quality doesn’t happen randomly or easily. It can be simple, and often is. It’s just not easy.  If… View Article

111 See Something? Say Something #562

Published on April 13, 2021 Written by

It’s amazing to me how otherwise great leaders diminish their opportunities to build trust by withholding feedback until it’s too late to correct the behavior.  Time and again, I’ll be working with a leadership team and one or more people will wait until the end of our full day meetings to offer constructive feedback that would have changed our day and our experiences for the… View Article

111 Convergence #561

Published on April 12, 2021 Written by

Convergence: it’s when things come together.   Right now, with time to think becoming more available in my calendar and the team encouraging me and supporting the space, alignment is happening.  It’s not something you can force, make happen or grasp until there is space for it to unify, converging into something greater and compelling you forward.  As… View Article

111 About Making Plans #560

Published on April 9, 2021 Written by

“When we make plans, God laughs.”  I’m having one of those days. In my mind, it was an open day for me to catch up, make space, create, practice and deliver on multiple deadlines that are all crashing in at once. It was my chance, my day.  This is where you cue the laugher.  The day unraveled quickly, going nothing like the… View Article


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