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111 Savor The Goodness #579

Published on May 6, 2021 Written by

The best lessons (opportunities?) for me are those I respond to with some sort of resistance.  I’m awake enough to recognize any automatic “no,” bracing, or tension followed by irritation or defensiveness, is my ego protecting me in the moment. Typically, it’s an incredible opportunity to challenge myself, grow, and learn a bunch.   After my talk, I planned… View Article

111 Deep Gratitude (part 2) #578

Published on May 5, 2021 Written by

Then it was show time. Almost a year of preparation culminating in 75 minutes of edutainment.  The 16 people I cared most about at the conference were front and center, smiling, nodding their heads and supporting me throughout the talk. I was able to make eye contact with every one of them at some given point during the talk.   It bolstered me…. View Article

111 Deep Gratitude (Part 1) #577

Published on May 4, 2021 Written by

Within the intersection of great opportunity and profound support lies deep gratitude.  I prepped for almost a year, with great intention during a year that served as an incredible intervention in how life had been. It was an interruption in the convenience of my automatic behavior.  It’s been fascinating to recap 2020 and the first months… View Article

111 Let Today Be The Day #576

Published on May 3, 2021 Written by

“Let today be the day you let go of who you’ve been for who you’ll become.” Hal Elrod  What a powerful quote to remind yourself every day (really every minute) is an opportunity to redefine yourself based on who you intend to be, not who you’ve been.  When we firmly grasp what’s possible when we step into our greatness… View Article

111 Don’t Confuse The Two #575

Published on April 30, 2021 Written by

Consumption is not the same as engagement.  Are you ready to get back to meeting in person? If you said, “Hell yes!” I’m in your camp. I’m also a big fan of meeting online effectively. I’m looking to an integrated approach as we move into 2021.  Our world is messy right now. We are emerging out of the pandemic at our own paces… View Article

111 Do What You Say #574

Published on April 29, 2021 Written by

Following up is a superpower.   I’ve determined one of the most powerful differentiators is that simple. If you promise someone something, do it when you said you would.  Too often, we all promise things absentmindedly. We don’t consider all the competing commitments we have and often, choose to negotiate with the kindest person we can disappoint, assuming they… View Article

111 Remembering #573

Published on April 28, 2021 Written by

I’ve reposted this quote twice, so it clearly touches me. I’m sharing it to support us all in remembering who we are today. I don’t know who needs it today, but here you go. Enjoy!  “Dear Human:  You’ve got it all wrong. You didn’t come here to master unconditional love. That is where you came from and where you’ll return.  You came here to learn… View Article

111 This Works, Try It #572

Published on April 27, 2021 Written by

Breaking down and thinking through blog #571 is on my mind.   I’ve now blown up the image and posted it on the wall behind my computer monitor so I see it and practice daily. (please see blog 571 for the photo if you haven’t printed it)  I’m enjoying the reminder to check in on or connect with someone daily. I… View Article

111 I Think This Could Work #571

Published on April 26, 2021 Written by

The picture above was shared with me from Mahtab over a year ago. As I read the questions, it seems to have captured the essence of what it takes to make everyday count, quarantine or not.   This simple recipe isn’t good only in crisis, it’s good every day.  Imagining a world where every person began their day using this… View Article

111 Room For Each Of Us #570

Published on April 23, 2021 Written by

When it’s an emotionally challenging time I remind myself, this is nothing new.   We’ve lived through difficulties, death, trauma, tragedy and conflict before. Certainly, it seems like it’s painfully exaggerated by the pandemic.   Yet, when I turn to writing, music and art, I find comfort.   Nature helps, exercise and self-care work.   Laughter, relationships and conversation make it feel better.  Ensuring I find goodness and connection when it’s hard is… View Article


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