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111 Let Me Remember #618

Published on June 30, 2021 Written by

Mindset is everything.  Tonight I had to work quite a bit of mental gymnastics to get myself out on the paddleboard. It was 84 degrees, low humidity, low wind, no bugs, and very few boats on a lake that looked like glass.   I couldn’t have scripted more perfect conditions.   Other than the time of day. It was 7:45pm… View Article

111 Show Up and Receive #617

Published on June 29, 2021 Written by

Sometimes, when you show up and are fully present, what you’re looking for is where you are.  I was recently in an online workshop to be on a panel.   I had no expectation of learning, receiving any benefit or solving any issues for myself. I was there to contribute – 100%. I prepared and had every intention of… View Article

111 Pushing Yourself Further #616

Published on June 28, 2021 Written by

Do you push yourself?  Most of us don’t. I know I don’t. At least not in the domains that are challenging for me.   This is why my clients who have graduated from EOS continue to have me facilitate sessions. Or they do a tune up once a year to ensure they don’t veer to far from the work we’ve done… View Article

111 We’re Getting Ready #615

Published on June 25, 2021 Written by

I’m in the midst of creating a one-year program. It’s challenging in the best way.  I’m excited to have the rough draft completed in the next 60 days or so.   As I ideate, read and sort, I’m including everything I can think of.  And then I’ll eliminate.   Living life by design takes intention. Most of us won’t make the time.  We make more time to… View Article

111 When You Argue With Reality #614

Published on June 24, 2021 Written by

Change is challenging. It’s an undoing.  For me, I seem to do mass amounts of change at once, a little at a time doesn’t register my attention. And I learn.  My greatest lessons come from pain and growth is the outcome.   Really, life is an undoing unless you hang on. Letting things do and undo is always occurring. When it’s not,… View Article

111 Four Scenarios #613

Published on June 23, 2021 Written by

Communication is more art than science.   And when you dissect the nuances of how we all communicate, it’s no wonder there are rough intersections, touchy moments and challenges between us. Here are four scenarios to consider:  When a question is asked of a more analytical person, there is a noticeable and predictable silence that follows. Don’t fill it. Stop talking. Don’t re-ask… View Article

111 You Already Know #612

Published on June 22, 2021 Written by

Time to think.  It feels like a luxury, and yet, it’s where you can solve the toughest of situations.   When you create space, the space reveals what you need to create.   When searching for a resolution to “too many” great opportunities, clarity on what to say “no” to and what aligns with my vision for the future,… View Article

111 Life By Design #611

Published on June 21, 2021 Written by

Designing your future isn’t a one-time task.  It’s to be revisited as often as necessary. This can mean frequently during times of change.   As our world shifts and changes with the messiness of 2021, are you taking the time to reevaluate?  For us, this is the foundation of Intentional Greatness®. What does it mean to be intentionally great… View Article

111 7 Cardinal Rules in Life #610

Published on June 18, 2021 Written by

I’m borrowing this from one of the wonderfully cheesy posts I’ve found over the year. I think it’s a good one. I’ve added my parenthetical comments below!  Here it is:  Make peace with your past … so it won’t screw up the present. (My life’s journey)  What others think of you … is none of your business. (This is a personal favorite)  Time heals almost everything … give it time…. View Article

111 Find Out #609

Published on June 17, 2021 Written by

Finding peace in the day.   Some days, you’re ready to quit. You’ve had enough and that’s it. Sound familiar?   For me, whether I’m ready or not, I’ve found several things that will “right my world” the vast majority of the time.  During the summer months, we take a pontoon ride. Yup, that’s it. It only takes a lap or two around our sweet… View Article


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