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111 Voices of WEE Women

Published on April 27, 2016 Written by

We had a fabulous time at the WPO Annual Conference in Baltimore, MD a few weeks ago. Through our Women’s Entrepreneurial Experience (WEE) program, we were able to sponsor three young women to attend the conference. The conference was filled with great content, connections, and bonding (the picture above shows a sing-along from the bar!). Featured… View Article

222 “Decide!” eBook by Gino Wickman

Published on April 19, 2016 6:18 pm Written by

We are excited to feature the eBook “Decide!” by EOS founder Gino Wickman.   “THE ONLY REASON YOU HAVE A PROBLEM IS THAT YOU HAVEN’T MADE A DECISION. Many leaders are frozen with uncertainty, which holds their companies back from achieving their full potential. Leaders struggle with two challenges when trying to make good decisions:… View Article

111 Marriage Counseling for Business, Rocket Fuel for Success

Published on April 11, 2016 Written by

Client Highlight: Clockwork “The Visionary lives in possibility, the Integrator lives in probability.” – Jill Young, EOS Implementer Nancy Lyons and Meghan McInerny have always had a special partnership. As leaders of Clockwork’s team, Nancy and Meghan believe their complimentary styles are one of the company’s greatest assets. Clockwork is an interactive design and technology… View Article

111 Conversations for Effective Action

Published on April 11, 2016 Written by

Conversations for Effective Action In your work, and in your life away from work, you participate in conversations. People speak, and people listen. But more is happening than appears; promises are made, requests are made, invitations are issued, proposals for new projects are presented. Things happen in conversations. In fact, it is in conversations that… View Article

111 WEE Goes to Baltimore!

Published on April 5, 2016 Written by

We are excited to announce that through our program, the Women’s Entrepreneurial Experience (WEE), three young women have received scholarships to attend the WPO Annual Conference this week in Baltimore, MD. This conference is an international gathering of female business owners who join together to reconnect, network and learn. Our three winners, Bobbi Hansen, Hannah… View Article

111 The Line Between Learning and Leading is a Thin One

Published on March 30, 2016 Written by

I was honored to interview Kay Phillips, former co-owner and President of ATEK Companies, for my column in Minnesota Business magazine. From high school basketball captain to business owner, Kay has been leading her whole life. She draws her leadership skills from her vast career experience and credentials, yet it is her practice of continuous… View Article

111 Why Networking Matters As a Young Person

Published on March 27, 2016 Written by

As a young professional I sometimes feel intimidated when attending networking events. I almost always feel underdressed (even when I’m not) and somehow manage to trip or lose my nametag without fail. At times I’ve wondered what the point is since I don’t bring in clients for our business or know many people yet.  After… View Article

111 Out of the Rut

Published on March 25, 2016 Written by

Originally featured in the Appreciation at Work blog. Have you ever felt like you were in a rut or experiencing a particularly low point in your life? It’s times like these when we feel down, hopeless and stuck. This can run the spectrum of significance, such as being bored at work to grieving the death… View Article

111 WEE Take 2- A Success!

Published on March 9, 2016 Written by

Our second event for the Women’s Entrepreneurial Experience (WEE) was a success! There were over 50 women in attendance, with different generations learning from and being inspired by each other. Content was shared, connections were made, and we appreciate the support of the Women Presidents’ Organization (WPO) Minnesota chapters and members for spending their evening… View Article

111 March WEE Event!

Published on March 2, 2016 Written by

We are excited to announce our next Women’s Entrepreneurial Experience (WEE) event will be Tuesday, March 8, 5:30-7:30pm at Clockwork Active Media! It will be another evening filled with content and connections being made between the Minnesota chapter of the Women Presidents’ Organization and young women in the community. There will be a panel, one-on-one… View Article


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