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111 Ask A Different Question #419

Published on September 24, 2020 Written by

Have you ever had self-defeating talk? Me too. One of the most effective ways to reframe your thinking and get back into action is to ask yourself a question to prompt different thinking.   Here are some examples, please share your own in the comments and let us know if you try these:  I don’t understand.  What am I missing? What else do I need to… View Article

111 Don’t Reason Away The Gifts #418

Published on September 23, 2020 Written by

It’s easier to write the story than to do the work. Whether a story, explanation, justification, reason or excuse, they all keep you in the same place. If that’s exactly where you want to be, keep talking. If not…  At a time in history when every turn is unpredictable, challenging, and disruptive, are you meeting the changes to grow and learn? … View Article

111 Please Reconsider #417

Published on September 22, 2020 Written by

I’ve posed this question before: what if you treated every conversation as if it was the last opportunity you have?  It’s a great question. It causes you to contemplate how you use your time with someone. You consider being more intentional and thoughtful about what kind of conversation matters, what topics get your attention and the experience you’d like to have.   Today, this may be exactly what I’m doing, and… View Article

111 Experiencing Unity #416

Published on September 21, 2020 Written by

When profound wisdom is inserted into a conversation without effort, it changes you in that moment.  I was sitting with my dear friend Mahtab and her family recently. We were all meandering the emotions that come when life is ending. To be specific, it was about her life coming to a close as she was completing her journey with esophageal cancer.   With… View Article

111 The Most Disarming Thing You Can Do #415

Published on September 18, 2020 Written by

This was posted by a friend and hit home in the best sort of way:  @PaulaMcHenryBarkmeier said “Peacemaking doesn’t mean passivity. It is the act of interrupting injustice without mirroring injustice, the act of disarming evil without destroying the evildoer, the act of finding a third way that is neither fight nor flight but the… View Article

111 Waiting #414

Published on September 17, 2020 Written by

Waiting. It’s not my strong suit. I’m not good at waiting.   My strong suits are solving problems and helping people, catalyzing people and efforts, creating memorable experiences. Except where I can’t.   In matters of health, I’m not trained and though I have immense energy, incredible passion and willingness, there’s nothing I can do, it’s out of my league.   Doing nothing feels too much like helplessness and… View Article

111 “Later” #413

Published on September 16, 2020 Written by

@SharolBinger Thank you. Sometimes, the words are not there and someone else says them for you.   Barely the day has started and it’s already six in the evening. Barely arrived on Monday and it’s already Friday, the month is half over and the year is half over.  Already 40, 50 or 60 years of our lives have passed, we… View Article

111 Four Simple Statements #412

Published on September 15, 2020 Written by

Lessons from Toni Morrison (and her father):  Whatever the work is, do it well – not for the boss, but for yourself.  You make the job; it doesn’t make you.  Your real life is with us, your family.  You are not the work you do; you are the person you are.  “…since that conversation with my father I… View Article

111 Life is an Echo #411

Published on September 14, 2020 Written by

“Life is an Echo.  What you send out, comes back.  What you sow, you reap.  What you give, you get.  What you see in others, exists in you.  Do not judge, so you will not be judged.  Give LOVE and love returns to you.” Zig Ziglar  If you don’t like what’s showing up around you, offer something you’d like to receive. Keep… View Article

111 Every Moment Is The Guru #410

Published on September 11, 2020 Written by

  @CharlotteJokoBeck offers a great teaching with this passage:  “Life always gives us exactly the teacher we need at every moment. This includes every mosquito, every misfortune, every red light, every traffic jam, every obnoxious supervisor (or employee), every illness, every loss, every moment of joy or depression, every addiction, every piece of garbage, every… View Article


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