Category: Sue’s Daily Blog

Cheers to Slow Progress #860 

Published on June 3, 2022 Written by

A great quote hit me in the face today, and I had to share. Thank you James Clear for your consistently forward-prodding messages, they work for me.:  “Most big, deeply satisfying accomplishments in life take at least five years to achieve. This can include building a business, cultivating a loving relationship, writing a book, getting… View Article

Learning Over Time #859 

Published on June 2, 2022 Written by

What if you spent one hour, 1/24th, 4%, just 60 of your 1440 minutes each day learning something you don’t know about?  What could you learn in 7 hours each week, 364 hours each year?  What if you focused on one thing?  What could you learn?   What could it mean for you, for your possibilities,… View Article

Now What? #858 

Published on June 1, 2022 Written by

Some will, some won’t, so what?  I heard this phrase at a conference recently.   Thinking about doing new things, paving new trails at work and in life, or spending time doing anything you’ve not done many times prior, it’s a freeing thought.   When you go forward with new things that seem uncertain or scary, it… View Article

Under Construction #857 

Published on May 31, 2022 Written by

Goals are clarifying.  It’s easy to talk about them and wish for them. The anticipation is the real accelerator in life.   Many times, it’s better than achieving the goal itself.  When you set a goal, do you let the obstacles deter you?   Do you stop?   Do you let the challenges derail your progress and your… View Article

How to Go Faster #856 

Published on May 30, 2022 Written by

Going slow to go fast works.  When you slow down, focus, and simplify, things are smoother.  When you focus, you go faster.  Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.  Let’s go slow to go fast. 

The Over Under Game #855 

Published on May 27, 2022 Written by

We tend to overestimate the short term and underestimate the long term.  If you’ve ever felt like your hair was on fire and waking up was a fire drill, heed the words above.  Try ten-year planning.  Though I’ve thought of it often, I’ve not sat down until recently to plan out 10 years and think… View Article

The Rest is for Someone Else #854 

Published on May 26, 2022 Written by

Are you a doer?   Me too.  The world loves a person who will bury themselves for accomplishment.   We cosign the deal out of need, lack, and the vacancy in our wholeness (which doesn’t exist).  Don’t bury yourself out of lack.  Find another way to do only that which feeds your soul.  The rest is for… View Article

Find Out #853 

Published on May 25, 2022 Written by

Disengagement is a thing.  When you’re disengaged, it’s often because you’ve lost connection with your purpose.   When we think of living purposefully, it’s in the word, purpose fully.   If you don’t know your purpose, it’s worth your time to dig in and explore. Without it, you can pass time, yet it can feel shallow, hollow,… View Article

Defining Success #852 

Published on May 24, 2022 Written by

How do you define success?  We all measure it differently. Some say, it’s completing something, and you’d sign up to do it again. Others measure in money, material wealth, possessions, and stuff. Others measure by the accolades and awards they collect, and some measure relationships. How many and the quality are up to the person. … View Article

Misunderstanding Begins Here #851 

Published on May 23, 2022 Written by

Our work and our leadership teams depend on trust. Really, all relationships depend on trust.  You can call it psychological safety and many other things, but Patrick Lencioni nailed it when he said the base of all great relationships begins with trust.  It seems underwhelming to say, but it’s where it all begins and what… View Article


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